Comely Chicks and Homely Hunks


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I constantly hear good looking single men complaining, crying, and bemoaning at the sight of a hot woman hanging on the arm of an “ugly” dude.

The self-entitled hot-to-trot $hitheads of the world are marinating in the urine that’s soaking through their jeans and running down their ankles over the thought of a really good looking woman picking a not-so-good-looking man. They are beside themselves in that it’s virtually impossible and even more so criminal, that a guy as aesthetically blessed as they are shouldn’t have every good looking woman on earth proudly strapped to the skin of his schnuts.

Indeed, good looking men have their pick and choose and it’s because of that they feel they are entitled to having the best of the bunch, even in spite of how douchey, vile, crooked or half-cooked they are. They feel they are the epitome of what “every” woman wants and should rightfully want. Otherwise if she doesn’t, and she is unwilling to bow down low enough to shine up his boots with her tongue, there is something completely wrong with her and she’s better off anyway, not being part of the “A” list set.

She must be a golddigger, is certifiable in some way and has low self-esteem, or she must feel the need to carry a man’s balls around in her purse.

The homely guy of course must be hung, must have more cash than Warren Buffet, or has some kind of secret cunnilingus technique he’s using that he’s keeping top secret. He’s bagged the fattest of cats and has major game over every other dude and there’s just no real logical explanation for it.

There are 3 basic reasons a homely guy has it over the hot dude ANY day of the week:

A) The homely guy knows how to treat a woman.

B) The homely guy is good in bed.

C) The homely guy is brilliant and has more substance in his shoe than the hot guy has running through his entire family.

However, it’s not as simple as narrowing it down to these three reasons alone and I’m going to break it down for you self-important Greek gods out there who just don’t get it.

  • It’s not all about looks.

Beep, beep…. Hello! Some of you guys may want to read that one over and over again until you can see it without falling out of your chairs and landing square on your perfect little tushes.

Looks only get you so far and most really good looking men (and women) feel that the world owes them everything in a fancy heart-shaped box trimmed with gold simply because they’re here and they exist. Of course, it doesn’t help that the world caters to those who have it made physically and hence, they are used to everyone around them worshiping them and the piles they leave behind.

Unfortunately, more often than not, super hot people are as shallow as they come. And believe it or not, WE ARE SICK OF CONCEITED, NARCISSISTIC OVERBLOWN EGOTISTIC ASSES who aren’t good for anything more than standing next to a mirror flexing their pecs and admiring the curvature of their rear ends.

Think you can wrap your mind around that one buddy? If not, keep reading…

  • It’s all about romance and deep intimacy.

What good looking single men don’t understand is that good looking women are still women, nonetheless. They still have needs that should be given precedent and consideration and they should be handled with an ample level of chivalry and utmost regard.

Men who lack in looks understand that they don’t have what it takes to be shiniest tool hanging in the shed. So they concentrate on what they do have and they make it work. They draw hot primrose oil baths, rent carriages in Central Park, and they’ve taken the time to perfect concocting and serving up Crisp Roast Duck with Port Wine Glaze ala creamed spinach on fancy dinner plates. In other words guys, they take the time to do the things you won’t.

Good looking men don’t have to make use of chivalry because they’re used to everyone around them nuzzling their noses along the cracks of their flawless rear ends. They get to be lazy, unmotivated and non-chalant spoiled kings who spend all their time sitting pretty and not doing much else. Yes guys, as much as it hurts, even good looking single women are fed up with you and your lack of depth and intellectual enormity. You’re BORING because you have absolutely nothing else going on but a tidy haircut and some expensive fits.

It gets pretty boring waiting for water to boil. It also gets pretty boring waiting for you to come through with something, ANYTHING remarkable.

  • It’s about appreciation and sincere adoration for their women.

“Homely” men feel humble and lucky at the prospect of being able to have a beautiful woman because they know they don’t have the candle burning at both ends. They don’t have their looks to rely on and they are unaccustomed to having every single hot chick coming around competing for their attention.

Thus, the beautiful woman the homely man is so lucky to find himself with, for him, is the ultimate blessing and truthfully, to any man, a beautiful woman is a blessing. However, the homely guy takes it one step further by not taking her for granted. He realizes he is privileged that a woman of her “caliber” (really, she’s just like everyone else) has chosen him as a mate. Therefore, he’s going to ensure that she knows what she means to him and does so by loving her, appreciating her, and making her feel the way every real woman should.

  • He makes up for EVERYTHING YOU DON’T.

The homely guy is intelligent, he’s funny, he’s a gentleman, and he’s filled to the brim with personality. He pays attention and he cares, and he is generous and is humble and becoming of a man with the philosophy of “waste not, want not”. He’s not going to spend a single second acting a fool or being a douche because he already knows that kind of crap isn’t palatable nor tolerated by good women.

He isn’t going to “test the waters” by being a jerk because he not only knows it doesn’t work, he knows real women DON’T WANT TO BE HANDLED BY JERKS.

He tells her she’s beautiful, he admires her art and her poetry, he loves her cooking and he calls her silly little pet names because she thinks they are cute.

The homely guy is willing to do all the things, big and small, that mean everything to her that you think are stupid, pointless, unmanly and are a total waste of your precious energy. Lucky for the beautiful women who appreciate being treated like queens, you get to leave them alone and you get to move onto the ones who are used to being treated second rate (since that’s all you’re willing to give).

A homely guy has more game than a losery hot douche guy could possibly fathom because he employs more tried and true methods of making a woman the central piece of the puzzle. They make use of the more important attributes of sincerity, praise, kindness, and thoughtfulness wrapped inside a ginormous fleshy warm heart.

So next time you see that “ugly” guy strolling by happily with that hot girl, be sure to hate on him for what he’s got along with everything else you don’t.

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