Communication Dodgers Ego Boners and Outright Lies

Bro's Body Language: Is He Feeling Me

Letting Down the Butt Hurt Guy

Why A Guy Isn’t Going To Hop Into Bed With You

Your Rear End or Your Pride

Haven't Got the Balls to Dump You

Fadeaway and Forget Me Not

Why He Chose Her Instead of You

1. When they ask “what’s your number?” they’re referring to your Klout score not how many people you’ve slept with.


2. They want you to meet their Brooklyn friends first as part of their “influencer strategy.”


3. Their last three relationships ended on twitter.


4. They roll their eyes because you didn’t participate in Cheer Up Keanu day last June.


5. They’re too busy to call you during SXSW, yet not too busy to check in to different places every 11 minutes.


6. The abbreviation “SoMe” takes on a whole new meaning.


What can you add????


And here we have an example of the male equivalent of the mother-whore dichotomy. Consider the ramifications of the advice provided. There indeed are many women who crave this type of interaction. But how many will be convinced that this is what they want, while struggling internally with their own self-image. This course of action may well indicate that the man IS a risk-taker: a fun date (probably an even more fun lay), but ultimately incapable of providing the sense of security and stability so often sought in a long-term relationship. In essence, if a man uses this technique, he is setting himself up to fail with many women by introducing doubt, even though it may be exactly what they both want at the moment. This is the type of attitude promoted as gender equality when it is really causing the schism that exists between woman and man. Too many men have an inflated sense of self, which may be alluring in the moment, but fade gradually and over-time, contributing to higher divorce rates and the stereotyped labels of "narcissist" and "borderline", which have emerged as all too common gender roles in modern society.

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