The 6 Signs You’re Not Over Your Ex

Will Letting Your Man Sleep with Other Women Help Your Relationship?

Taking Risks - Ensuring You're on the Path to True

Who You Are is Who You Will Attract

99 Remedies For the Relationship Impaired

I Am Married Because I Am a Bitch

How Many Online Dates Does It Take

Sure Signs a Man is Crazy About You

The Difference Between Banging and Lovemaking

Don’t go PDA crazy:  I don’t care how cool your significant other’s parents are, I can promise you they don’t want to watch you swap spit with their kid. That’s creepy. Sitting close to each other on the couch is fine, but respect bae’s family and keep your hands home.


Learn their comfort levels: Your parents may not care if you share a room when you two visit them, but if his aren’t okay with it, respect that. Every family has their own set of ground rules.


Know that what’s normal for your family may not be someone else’s standard operating procedure: My extended family enjoys getting together, but we typically only do this for major life events. It’s sad and we’re working on spending more time together, which is amazing, but that’s just how we are as a group right now. When I first started dating my ex, I couldn’t understand why his extended family spent so much time together. Why are you all getting together for someone’s retirement party!? Unless you’re getting married or obtaining a diploma, it’s normally not an “all hands on deck” event for our entire extended family, so casual hangouts were weird to me. Now that I’m not 22 and immature, I realize that there really is no such thing as normal when it comes to how extended families interact. You may never see yours and that’s (maybe) sad but okay, or you may see yours every weekend and that’s totally cool too.

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